Art is to be enjoyed by all. In the 2010s, social media "sharing" can
be, and is, a powerful way for artists to gain public exposure and
recognition around the world, and to exchange ideas and inspirations
with fellow artists without limits of borders and distances.
artists' works must be respected and proper credit be given if artists
can afford to keep creating in this economy. I recognize that copyright
laws and conventions are
two-edged swords. On one hand, copyright and patent laws were devised
to encourage creativity and innovation by providing creators with legal
protection and economic incentives. On the other hand, copyright issues
have sometimes stifled free exchange of ideas, information, and even
social elements of creativity.
To this end, I would like to remind everyone that:
1. Feel free to share any art of mine that you like on social media, blog, or art review website you might own.
These images I make available on the web are intentionally degraded to
lower resolutions to help save bandwidth and also to thwart some
dishonest people from reproducing the artwork for sale (for which I
would not receive a dime).
3. Use of these images are subject to the
Creative Commons Public License version 3.0 (or later) BY-NC-ND. This
means you are not allowed to use them for commercial purposes, or to
create a derived product (including unauthorized modifications such as
blurring or cropping out identifying watermarks). You are required to
properly attribute the author. See for the terms and conditions.
4. If you like my art, please consider contributing some money at .
Art has been one of very few ways for me, for a number of personal
reasons, to earn money through honest, legal, and ethical means. More
importantly, it is one of those pursuits that I can put my spirit into.
Therefore, my creativity provides me with much of my income, and I
depend on it.
But I also appreciate the power of social media and the new economy of
sharing. After all, the more people post my art on their timelines and
blogs the more exposure I get, and it is a good promotion that does not
cost me money that I cannot otherwise afford.
If you love my artwork and would like to print it out on your colour
printer (recommended: print it out on a watercolour postcard stock
available at any art supply store) for your own personal use, feel free
to do so, but keep in mind that you cannot resell it (giving it away as
a gift is fine). I would highly appreciate if you do this, contribute
whatever you can.
you are in business of making and marketing postcards, greeting cards,
posters, etc., I would like to hear from you as I am always open to the
idea of residual royalty income.