Thursday, April 23, 2009 0 comments

Window paintings and signage with class of elegance, artistry and whimsy

Updated information on Sarah's window paintings and signage services is now online:

Pillar of Light

Pillar of Light

This is one of the three pieces inspired by the Filianic Scriptures.
Upon the Heaven are these words inscribed, the words of thy salvation. Upon the Heaven in signs of fire before the dawn of time. Upon the Crystal Tablet that passeth not away... The world is but a shadow, yet it is a shadow of Truth; and at the ending of the age shall the world be redeemed. Neither a leaf upon a bramble shall be lost, nor a blade of grass pass into nothingness. But thou, My child, of all the world, thou alone hast power to choose; and thus art thou called maid, for maid is she that hath the power of choosing. Fix then your will upon the Truth and your heart on the Spirit My Mother, for by your love shall the world be redeemed, even to the last blade of grass. In thy work praise Her and in thy resting, in thy speech and in thy silence. For thou wert made one with Her, and this is thy true estate. It is good for a maid to till the soil, but it is better to live with her Lady. It is good to build and to weave, but it is better to live with her Lady. It is good to serve maids in every way, but it is better to live with her Lady. She that liveth wholly with her Lady is the servant of all the world; no labour is so great as this, nor so greatly to be honoured. 

-- Pillar of Light

The verses are from the Madrian Scriptures.