Tuesday, November 26, 2013 0 comments

Portraits: holiday season promotion!

alley cat mews: Portraits: holiday season promotion!: It's Thanksgiving this week and that means people are starting to think about holiday gifts. Why not go for one-of-the-kind items, inste...

My legacy

Recently I have come to a realization that most of what I do in life, and choices I make, are my subconscious ways to leave a legacy in this world.  "Making a mark," as some might say.  Political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in his book, The End of History and the Last Man, asserts that the reason for human history is our deep-seated needs for recognition.

For many times over, I have chosen a path that was seemingly insane.  I left a life of affluence and privilege, went to schools learning subjects that did not necessarily led to money, and honestly, even when I thought I was a selfless servant of the world, I was trying to become a hero, in building an epic legend with my own life.  No one today knows or understands the extent of this, and how this led me to a place in which I am living an extraordinary -- as in truly out of ordinary -- adventure that manifests many of my youthful dreams of the past.  Quixotic, maybe.

In the end, what I am doing is leaving a mark in this world, and perhaps while at it, inspire and challenge this world.

A few days before the opening of the Siren Nation Art Festival, this idea came to me in my dream -- a tongue-in-cheek prank to install a "mixed-media conceptual 3D art," which is made of a purple pushpin and a blue string.  In this big world, my legacy perhaps may be small, and outright silly at times to some, but I am leaving a mark.

A quiet afternoon

Yes, I do things other than cats, every once in a while...
