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Iridia Creative Production has launched a new marketing campaign and doing it in style! The tagline here is "dream it up, and do it, in style." More than anything else, small businesses and community organizations are manifestations of someone's visions and dreams. Entrepreneurs literally "dream up" -- envision, innovate and create -- and set the world of the future in motion. In this difficult time it is a common temptation to cut down on what one may perceive as "non-essentials." As a result businesses become too boring and sterile for owners, employees and customers alike (remember that it is the experience that counts in all aspect of turning up the profit), innovations are stymied, and customer communications suffer. I believe that the time has come to do it -- and get it done -- all in style. Even if heaven forbid some people were to fail, I'd like to see them fail in style, not just fail like a roadkill.
For the rest, I am here to help you achieve what you dream up -- in style.