Friday, October 22, 2010 0 comments

November: Sarah's art all over Southeast Portland! Come to one or all!

By pure coincidence various opportunities opened up for exhibit opportunities this summer, and they are all opening during the first week of November (coming very soon!).

Thursday, November 4 (One day only, only three hours!), 7-10 p.m.
Sometimes a Great Notion
Siren Nation Women's Arts and Music Festival
at Albina Press on Hawthorne
5012 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 97215
(Event info:

Friday, November 5 (the show runs through December 31)
Opening party 7 p.m.-9 p.m.ish
The Portland Tarot Show
at Splendorporium
3421 SE 21st Avenue 97202
(Event info:

Friday, November 5 (the show runs through the end of the month)
Opening party 6 p.m.-midnight
Facing Fear
at Launchpad Gallery
534 SE Oak Street 97214
(Event info:


More updates follow on Twitter (@SarahMorrigan) or Facebook (search for IrisCat Designs).
Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments

Southeast Grind traveller cup is now out!

Only at Southeast Grind, 1223 SE Powell Blvd. Only $14!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 0 comments

Be green, support local business, get a reusable cup.

Southeast Grind reusable cup with design by Sarah Morrigan

For those who remember, I have designed this for Southeast Grind back in April 2009. Now you can own this piece of elegance and be green!

It is only $10 a piece and you will get a 25 cents off each time you use it at Southeast Grind (with your first coffee free). It is available only at Southeast Grind, 1223 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, Oregon, just east of Milwaukie Avenue/12th Avenue near the Gideon Street fire station (TriMet lines 9, 17, 19 and 70). It is open 24 hours!
Saturday, October 2, 2010 0 comments

What a busy month!

As many of you already know, I started my post-graduate studies this past spring (majoring in feminist theology -- with a plan to add fine arts major in the near future) and I have fifteen credit hours this fall semester.  Fortunately three of the classes either end early or start in November, so I need to handle only three classes at a given time.

So far I have completed 6 credits

  • 02.02.001 - History of Goddess Worship

  • 04.01.001 - Ecology and Spirit

and have 15 credits by the end of this term

  • 01.01.002 - Anthropology of Shamanism

  • 01.01.006 - The Shaman

  • 02.02.004 - Introduction to Thealogy

  • 03.08.001 - Contextualizing Women in Religion

  • 03.08.005 - Feminist Theology 1

(Why are the shamanism courses given 01.01.x prefix?  The college originally was founded as a training centre for shamans, now it is one of very few truly interfaith seminaries that is not tied to any specific religious institution and encompasses many non-mainstream faiths.)

In addition to this, I have two art shows opening in November (coincidence) and potentially one more that I might enter as well:

And also I have just joined the new curatorial team at the 100th Monkey Studio in Southeast Portland -- this involves the organizing and promotion of the monthly art shows, and gives me a valuable practical experience from the side of those who run a gallery.  (In addition, it gives me a studio membership, which is great, as it is always nice to have a dedicated space to work on art.)

How do I get time for all this?  The fact is I operate almost round-the-clock, except when I am sleeping for about 6 hours.  My biggest challenge is to stay focused on the task at hand and have a determination to get it done.

And yes, I still volunteer as a GED tutor at the Julia West House (4 hours/week).