As many of you already know, I started my post-graduate studies this past spring (majoring in feminist theology -- with a plan to add fine arts major in the near future) and I have fifteen credit hours this fall semester. Fortunately three of the classes either end early or start in November, so I need to handle only three classes at a given time.
So far I have completed 6 credits
- 02.02.001 - History of Goddess Worship
- 04.01.001 - Ecology and Spirit
and have 15 credits by the end of this term
- 01.01.002 - Anthropology of Shamanism
- 01.01.006 - The Shaman
- 02.02.004 - Introduction to Thealogy
- 03.08.001 - Contextualizing Women in Religion
- 03.08.005 - Feminist Theology 1
(Why are the shamanism courses given 01.01.x prefix? The college originally was founded as a training centre for shamans, now it is one of very few truly interfaith seminaries that is not tied to any specific religious institution and encompasses many non-mainstream faiths.)
In addition to this, I have two art shows opening in November (coincidence) and potentially one more that I might enter as well:
And also I have just joined the new curatorial team at
the 100th Monkey Studio in Southeast Portland -- this involves the organizing and promotion of the monthly art shows, and gives me a valuable practical experience from the side of those who run a gallery. (In addition, it gives me a studio membership, which is great, as it is always nice to have a dedicated space to work on art.)
How do I get time for all this? The fact is I operate almost round-the-clock, except when I am sleeping for about 6 hours. My biggest challenge is to stay focused on the task at hand and have a determination to get it done.
And yes, I still volunteer as a GED tutor at the
Julia West House (4 hours/week).