Tuesday, May 5, 2009 0 comments

You are invited to an art fair this weekend.

The Episcopal Church has been in recent years very supportive of arts. Long before the emergent church movement rediscovered the value of arts in spirituality and communal worship, many Anglican parishes established art programs to connect children to art in the context of spiritual formation, to provide forum for emerging artists, and to better incorporate fine arts, music and performance arts in the life of the church.

In this spirit, Portland's Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (147 NW 19th Avenue) will be host to its ninth annual art festival. This year the show features over 95 artists.

This is also a good opportunity to personally meet many local artists and artisan crafters including Sarah.

Event details: http://www.trinity-episcopal.org/08TrinitySite/sections/music_arts/artists_among_us.html

Saturday-Sunday, May 9-10.